• Right of withdrawal

    When a Beneficiary is a Consumer as defined by Article I.1, 2° of the Economic Law Code and enters into a distance contract with “Les Potjes d’Eugène,” they are entitled to a right of withdrawal. This right allows them to notify “Les Potjes d’Eugène” that they wish to withdraw from the purchase, without penalty and without providing a reason, within fourteen (14) calendar days from the day following the receipt of the products. The refund for the order will be processed within 14 days after the exercise of the right of withdrawal, and the consumer must return the product within this same period. The refund may be delayed until receipt of proof of return, but not beyond 14 days.

    In the event of exercising this right, and if the Consumer has already paid the price, “Les Potjes d’Eugène” commits to refunding the full amount received from the Consumer. This refund will be made as soon as proof of return of the online-ordered products is received.

    To exercise their right of withdrawal, the Consumer must notify their decision in writing to the customer service of “Les Potjes d’Eugène” before the expiry of the fourteen (14) days period, via the following email address: contact@eugenechocolatier.be. The consumer must also complete the withdrawal form available in Annex 2 of the Economic Law Code. Furthermore, they must return the products in their original packaging and in the condition in which they were received. The direct costs of returning the products are to be borne by the Consumer.

    Refunds using the same payment method as that used for the purchase, unless otherwise agreed with the customer, will be the first option offered, before any potential voucher suggestion. The right of withdrawal does not apply to purchases made by a professional.

    In accordance with Article VI.53 of the Economic Law Code, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in the following cases:

    • For products that are likely to deteriorate quickly;
    • For products that have been sealed for hygiene reasons and that have been opened after delivery.